In 1992, Historyk Press was established to publish the history and genealogy of Maryland's Polonia. We are expanding to publishing genealogies, genealogical source records, and histories of Polish settlements throughout North America and Canada.

Have you compiled a genealogy or written a local history that documents and tells the story of the Polish American experience in North America? Are you up against a brick wall trying to find a publisher? Send us a detailed email or letter about your project or if you prefer send a copy of the manuscript.

We are also interested in publishing your family genealogy or genealogical source books and books on local history. It doesn't necessarily have to be about Polish Amercians. We can assist with layout and design and arrange printing. Your publication will then be included in our website where researchers around the world will be aware of the research you have gathered.

We can also help with layout and design for your newsletters.

Even if you have only thought about such an undertaking drop us a line with your idea! Let us hear from you today!

Please note that manuscripts will not be returned without a stamped, addressed, return envelope. Please send all queries or manuscripts to Historyk Press, 7 Dendron Court, Baltimore, MD 21234.

Still have questions then email us at: .