136. Bardzo Dobry: East Baltimore's Polish Community, 1870-1950 and the Bartkowiak Family. John B. Bartkowiak, Jr, Second Edition, 2020. 153 pages,
illustrated, paper. $20.00 [ISBN 1-887124-55-3]
This is an updated brief story of the East Baltimore Community Polish Community, Jozef Bartkowiak, his family and their first four generations in America. It is a story that is quite similar to that of thousands of other Poles who arrived in East Baltimore during the great immigration between 1870 and 1915.
There were no letters, diaries or other personal documents remaining to assist in the writing of this volume. Except for a few interviews with family members, the entire book is based on reminisces of the author and produced from public records - cemetery, church, city directories, land records and U.S. census data.