114. A Compilation of Marriages & Deaths for Select Families
from the Sacramental Records of Gora (Znin) Parish, Poznania, Poland.
David P. Wilson, 1997. 80 pages, maps, indexed. $3.95 [ISBN 1-8871-2418-7]
volume cover the marriages (1804-1881) and deaths (1795-1881)
for members of the: Cywinski, Kawczynski, Kielas, Lakomy, Lewandowski,
Lysy, Popielarz, Slomkowski, Sporny, Switala, and Witczak families.
The respective sacramental record may include: full name of baptiszed
child, bride & groom, or decedent; their age, occupation, residence,
names of parents (with occupation of father, maiden name of mother,
and whether parent is deceased); date/place of baptism, wedding,
and death; names, occupations, residence of godparents, witnesses,
and informants, as well as any notation appearing in the original
record. Together the two volumes may lead the fortunate genealogist
to easily trace their emigrant ancestor's lineage as many as four